For the last year and a half I have noticed an old man exercising on the side of the road. His workout stations him are on my bus route. We do not see him each morning, but we have seen a variety of his exercises including:
1. Hitting a Tree
2. Doing the hula
3. Swinging his leg
4. modified push-ups
5. Doing the hula while hanging on to a bar
There was a period of 2 weeks that we did not see him and I got a little concerned about what had happened to him. Thankfully he returned and it was then that I decided I wanted to join him.
One Friday I went to the bus stop early and asked a friend to video me while the bus went by. Unfortunatelythat friend could not figure out how to video…. I had another friend video me. It was a short clip but fun none the less.
The following week was my break, so I decided that I would get someone to dedicate some time at oh…. 7am to video me doing all the exercises with the old man. My friend Carlos Fandango picked me with my hula hoop up in a cab and we went looking for the old man. We spotted him hitting a tree, but the time we got out of the cab he was gone. Why did the old man cross the road you might ask? To do the hula on the other side. I talked a little to the old man and showed him a couple of sentences in Chinese thanks to google translate “I like your exercises, can I do them with you?”. The old man is from the generation when a lot of people in China did not learn how to read so unfortunately we could not communicate, but we did get this video footage J
Here is the link to Old man footage