Saturday, April 10, 2010

Changes in Shangahi with the coming Expo

1. I went to Hong Kong for break and flew out of Hongqiao airport terminal 2. It is completely new, completely clean. When I got a cab on the way home I got into a new Expo taxi. I was amazed that there were seat belts! Also the new car smell

2. My street actually looks like a street rather than a big ditch.

3. I went to go get a DVD, and the pirated DVD store (which are pretty much all the DVD stores here) only had legitimate DVD's. When I asked what happened the store employ just said "The police". I asked about a DVD that I wanted and her response was ..."Maybe tomorrow"


  1. Most of them have a back room now for "new DvdS" The Fox one up by Pearl City has the best space, the one next to Starbucks on Hong Mei road is dismal!!

  2. Thanks Fiona, I will check out that one : )
